LLC “Center for the Development of Information Technologies and Information Resources”

LLC "Center for the Development of Information Technologies and Information Resources" was created in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 14, 2019 No. PP-4452 "On additional measures to improve the control system for the implementation of information technologies and communications, and the organization of their protection".

The main tasks of the Center are:

  • providing technical assistance in the operation of technical means, the creation of websites, as well as the development and promotion of information portals and web resources;
  • preparation of analytical materials on topical issues of the formation of a "digital and information society", as well as the development of technical infrastructure to ensure the openness of the activities of state bodies and other organizations;
  • organization of the provision of consulting services on the creation of information systems and information resources, ensuring secure data exchange between them, integration with external hosting sites;
  • preparation of proposals and participation in the development of draft laws, regulations and technical conditions, procedures and rules for licensing and regulation in the field of informatization and telecommunications.

Address: 30, A.Navoi str., 100011, Tashkent

Phone: + 99855-501-4300



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